An inverter is an electronic device that changes the direct current to alternating current.
They are of two types :- Square Wave Inverter & Sine Wave Inverter
If you are enable the boost mode you will get 30% load carrying capacity from inverter. But it works only for 15 minutes, and after that time duration inverter shows overload .
No, inverter cost is cheaper than generator because inverter takes less electricity to charge the batteries and in generator you need huge fuel every day.
We have one MOV inside the inverter which protect the inverter from thundering and we programed our DSP micro chip also to save inverter in raining seasons. Secondly when you install Solar setup please use Thundering Arrester, proper earthing and DC search protector.
In this case first you will check battery voltage it should be above 12VDC, check your battery wire connections it should be tight properly and in the last check DC fuse inside the inverter.
Our all brands Inverter starts charging at 100VAC and other brands required minimum 140VAC.
It’s an electrochemical device that stores chemical energy and converts it into the electrical energy. Most commonly used Batteries with Inverters in Nigeria are Tubular & VRLA or SMF Batteries.
Tubular batteries are best with solar system, so always use tubular batteries with solar.
In our all brands we have given boost charging cutoff at 14.4V and once the charging cutoff inverter switches to float charging mode which is 13.6 to 13.7V.
Its depend on uses of battery.
During filling the battery with DM water, make sure battery is in charging mode, clean the battery terminals with hot water and do not add DM water during discharging time.
Do not add acid or electrolyte in battery. Only DM water should be used if it is required. Normally after every 3 months, check the battery and add DM water according to the requirement.
Yes, it will charge your batteries with NEPA.